Find the highest total energy consumption from data centers using SQL

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#Find the highest tal energy consumption from data centers using SQL

Find the highest total energy consumption from data centers using SQL

Q.Find the highest total energy consumption from data centers usin sql

Below is List of Table :
  • eu_energy
  • na_energy
  • as_energy
Schema : date, location, consumption 
This query will union the data by data center name,
calculate the total energy consumption for each data center using the union 
from 3 data center and print out max value
select max(consumption), date ,location  from (
    select top 1 * 
    row_number () over( order by consumption desc)  as rn 
     from eu_energy 
     select top 1 * 
    row_number () over( order by consumption desc)  as rn 
     from na_energy 
    select top 1 * 
    row_number () over( order by consumption desc)  as rn 
from as_energy 
)  temp
group by date, location

