Managed table and external table in spark
#Managed #table and #external_table in #spark
Since starting native DDL supports (in Spark 2.0),
It is allow us to change location of table data .
You can check out the table type by the SparkSession API spark.catalog.getTable .
Spark will delete both the table data in the warehouse and the metadata in the meta-store,
LOCATION is not mandatory for EXTERNAL tables.
The location of data files is {current_working_directory}
below is example of manage table
spark.sql(CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE developer (id int , name String) ')
//OR in delta format
Spark will delete only metadata in the meta-store.
LOCATION is mandatory for EXTERNAL tables.
The location of data files is user define
.below is example of external table :
// The created tables are EXTERNAL
spark.sql(CREATE TABLE developer (id int , name String) LOCATION '/tmp/tables/developer')
spark.sql(CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE developer (id int , name String) LOCATION '/tmp/tables/developer')
create table orders using delta location " path"
// The created tables are MANAGED.
// The location of developer data files is {current_working_directory}/spark-warehouse/table5
spark.sql(CREATE TABLE developer (id int , name String) USING PARQUET);
// The created tables are EXTERNAL
spark.sql(CREATE TABLE developer (id int , name String)) USING PARQUET OPTIONS('path'='/tmp/tables/table6') ;,
Here We learn how to create mnage table and external table in spark and its implementation with
parquet and delta format ,It also support other format as well.
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