What is the difference between Primary Key and Unique Key Sql DeveloperIndian
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#difference between primary key and unique key #unique key #unique_key_in_sql
What is the difference between Primary Key and Unique Key ?
- We can have only one Primary Key in a table of Database whereas we can have more than one Unique Key in a table .
- The Primary Key can not have a NULL value in table whereas a Unique Key may have only
one null value in column of table.
- By default, a Primary Key is a Clustered Index whereas by default, a Unique Key is a
unique non-clustered index in table.
- A Primary Key supports an Auto Increment value whereas a Unique Key doesn't
support an Auto Increment value in table.
FAQ question regarding Unique key vs Primary Key
- difference between primary key and unique key
- importance of unique key in sql
- what is the difference between primary key and unique key
- importance of unique key in dbms
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