How does PySpark and scala rename a DataFrame column?


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How to Rename a DataFrame Column in PySpark and Spark Scala

Renaming columns in a DataFrame is a common operation when working with big data. In Apache Spark, you can rename DataFrame columns using PySpark or Scala with simple methods that adapt to different use cases. This guide covers the most effective ways to rename columns for both languages.

      #spark #scala #program #alias PySpark column #Spark DataFrame rename column #big data column renaming #PySpark Scala

Renaming Columns in PySpark

1. Using selectExpr Method

The selectExpr method allows you to rename columns by specifying expressions directly:

# Renaming columns with selectExpr
data = data.selectExpr("Name as name", "birthday as age")

In this example:

  • Name as name renames the "Name" column to "name."
  • birthday as age renames the "birthday" column to "age."

2. Using the alias Method

You can use the alias method from the pyspark.sql.functions module to rename columns:

from pyspark.sql.functions import col

# Renaming columns with alias
data ="Name").alias("name"), col("birthday").alias("age"))


  • col("Name").alias("name") renames the "Name" column to "name."
  • col("birthday").alias("age") renames the "birthday" column to "age."

Renaming Columns in Spark Scala

Using the withColumnRenamed Method

The withColumnRenamed method in Scala provides a straightforward way to rename columns:

// Renaming columns with withColumnRenamed
data.withColumnRenamed("dob", "DateOfBirth")

In this example:

  • The column "dob" is renamed to "DateOfBirth."

Key Differences Between PySpark and Scala

  • PySpark provides more flexibility with methods like selectExpr and alias for renaming columns.
  • Scala focuses on simplicity with the withColumnRenamed method, which is sufficient for most use cases.


Renaming DataFrame columns in PySpark and Spark Scala is a simple yet powerful operation that enhances code readability and data processing efficiency. Whether you prefer the versatility of PySpark or the conciseness of Scala, both approaches provide efficient methods to rename columns to suit your data needs.

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